Flipper - The Coin Flipping Dolphin


New member
Role: Stance switching DPS/support.

Backstory: Flipper comes from a wealthy background, is used to a lifestyle of luxury and upper class leisure. At some point his father's (previously prosperous) fishing business failed, and
not wanting to forfeit the family's expensive lifestyle — he went into great debt with some loan... Sharks. Knowing they were growing impatient and wanted to be paid back, Flipper's dad took to illegal backroom gambling. Losing all the remaining money, he was forced to use the family home as collateral, which he also lost... all but one last chip. Upon hearing that he had gambled all of their money away, The Sharks sent some goons to teach him that playing with their money was a fatal mistake. They executed him in front of his family, searched him for anything of value, and found that last poker chip. The Sharks decided that, rather than finish off the family and cut their losses, the debt would pass to Flipper, giving him the chip and a chance save his family. As it turns out, his father's bad luck did not pass down to him, and Flipper was able to earn enough winnings to pay off The Sharks. Now he has to earn enough money to return his family to the status they deserve, investing all available income in the financially secure Dow Jones at the New York Stock Exchange!

Appearance: Bottlenose dolphin, wears a flat cap and chews on a big cigar out the side of his mouth. Wears corduroy slacks with suspenders, a white button up with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows with a slit in the back for his fin. Within his blowhole, visible on the back of his neck, fits his lucky poker chip, each side being different colored (maybe red/green?).

Weapon: Either a 1908 Pocket Hammerless or an M1911. Smallish starting mag, quick reload, medium fire rate and damage.
Heads: Slightly increased fire-rate.
Tails: Reduced damage falloff.


1: Sonic Screech
Active: Emit a loud "EEEEEE" noise.
Heads: AOE around Flipper, short range knockback.
Tails: Cone in direction you're looking, further range, deals damage and interrupts.
Lv1: Increased hit range. Lv2: Further knockback/increased damage. Lv3: Reduced cooldown.

2: Dolphin Dive
Active: Slide in a straight line in the direction you're looking.
Heads: Instantly goes a shorter distance, passes through players/mobs. Small stun to enemies and speed boost to friendlies passed through.
Tails: Charges up first, then goes a further distance/faster, stops at first target hit. Enemies take damage, friendlies get a brief bubble/overheal, both increased by distance travelled.
Lv1: Improved effect on hit targets. Lv2: Can turn while sliding. Lv3: Increased dive distance.

3: Heads or Tails?
Starts with 1 charge.
Active: Swap stance between Heads and Tails. Has a brief animation where Flipper blows out the coin and catches it back in his blowhole with the other face showing. 3-5s cooldown?
Passive: Increases your Heads/Tails effectiveness by 2.5% per available charge.
Lv1: +1 additional charge. Lv2: Faster animation? Shorter cooldown? Lv3: Additional 2.5% bonus to Heads/Tails passive.

4: Must Be My Lucky Day
Active: Players in a medium radius around Flipper are affected by his radiant luck.
Heads: Affects self and allies. All shots fired deal headshot damage, and incoming shots are "glancing blows" (damage reduction). Lasts 5-10s?
Tails: Affects enemies. Guns jam, silencing and disarming enemies for a couple seconds and then forcing them to reload.
Lv1: Increase range. Lv2: Increase duration. Lv3: Reduce cooldown.

Not really sure how I feel about the ult, but I like the idea of a stance switcher, and think flipping a coin/poker chip works for the aesthetic and setting. Maybe make it dual wielding pistols? Maybe change up some of the abilities or stance effects? Maybe swap around some of the level ups for abilities? Let me know what you think.
yeah i agree, i feel like it fits the theme of the character but was mostly just a placeholder so it wasn't an empty ability slot