New member
Infernus(fire) and Seven(thunder/air) use their elements to dish out damage to their foes. We have two out of the four main elements of western culture represented. We are needing a water and earth character so I will take my shot at a suggestion. For water I was thinking along the lines of a berserker shark like the kedia in Greek mythology. Kedia represents the danger of untamed waters and is known for a ravenous hunger. I would love the idea of a blood scent mechanic where he can mark someone as his target and be unstoppable until he either reaches his target or dies trying. As for our earth character most of the time I would recommend making a earth bender but what about a mud bender. Our mud bender would focus of supporting their allies though temporarily mud armor and slow foes down with muddy area denial. Having the ability to command mud, they would be able to make muddy followers to help contest waves and send a large landslide down a lane. We don't have a summoner in deadlock yet so it would make for a great introduction charecter. I think having all four elements represented would just finish the elemental puzzle pieces