Blind Radio


Legally blind guy/girl (blindfold?) who gets info of his surroundings based on sound (RADIO WAVES theme?).

Holds an old chime music box device, but its braile (the device reads the surroundings via emitting radio waves and "talks" in braile alphabet which the hero reads with his hand)
VERY STEAMPUNKish, the device could be just the sound playing barrel with cool mechanical parts (no box?)

Possible abilities:

Amplify signal - basically medium/big aoe wallhack for a few seconds based on sound? (visuals could be just the "estimated" location of enemies, and not 100% accurate)

Gun ideas:

Radio Wave gun
Micro wave gun
(low range, big aoe, fast projectile - similar to a shotgun) *the signal disperses the further it travels*
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Like instead of doing full damage. It would take like X amount of shots(stacks). Kinda like monkey king in dota 2 3 hits before it does even more damage on the 4th etc
Ramping up weapon damage, yeah that sounds cool. I think there's something like this in the game already though. I think, Haze's passive does that and also some items?