There is a bug that allows Bebop to fly while ulting when grabbed by Abrams
Steps to replicate:
1 - Bebop must hook Abrams
2 - Bebop must uppercut Abrams
3 - Abrams must time his shoulder charge to use right as he is being punched by bebop's uppercut
4 - Bebop uses his ult
Now if everything went correctly - Bebop will fly using his Ultimate for the duration of it. If there was any push force bebop will fly while being able to move.
Steps to replicate:
1 - Bebop must hook Abrams
2 - Bebop must uppercut Abrams
3 - Abrams must time his shoulder charge to use right as he is being punched by bebop's uppercut
4 - Bebop uses his ult
Now if everything went correctly - Bebop will fly using his Ultimate for the duration of it. If there was any push force bebop will fly while being able to move.